Customer Care

Please Note:

Homen Group Ltd is an online trade company, so the 'Customer Care' instructions below apply only to our online shoppers.

If you are a member of the general public and require information on our products, which cannot be found on our website, we recommend that you contact our customer support at

Our aim is to provide all customers with a high standard of service and communication in order to ensure the highest level of service.

When dealing with our customers we will always:

Strive to answer any queries or resolve any issues at the first point of contact.

Ensure that our customer service team is trained to help or connect our customers with the right person.

To treat all of our customers fairly and with courtesy and respect.

Each customer receives a personal service from an individual who understands their needs.

We work with customers to provide information and communicate in the most efficient way possible.

When we answer our customer telephone calls we will always:

Aim to respond to all calls in a professional and courteous manner.

When dealing with service complaints we will always:

Aim to deal with any issues within 48 hours of receipt.

When a product has a manufacturing fault, we aim to schedule the pickup and replacement of the product within 2 weeks.


We are always looking for new ways to improve and enhance our service to all customers, and we welcome any comments or feedback. We also need to hear from customers if we are not achieving our Customer Care Standards.

Please let us know by contacting us via any of the following:



Phone: +44 (0)20 4592 2388

By letter: 167-169 Great Portland Street 5th Floor, London, England,